Blerina Kadiu MD                                                             M.Sc. Student

Blerina Kadiu MD M.Sc. Student

Blerina Kadiu

M.Sc. Student

 Blerina Kadiu is a second year M.Sc. student in the Surette lab. She graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry/ University of Medicine in Tirana, Albania in 2006 and worked as a dentist for more than a decade.  She enormously enjoyed restoring smiles, treating pain and inspiring children to love the dentist.The love for science and mastering new subjects drew Blerina to the Surette lab in September 2018. She is studying the microbiome of the Respiratory Tract, focusing on microbe- microbe interactions. Her hobbies are dancing, travelling and watching movies. At the moment, she and her husband are enjoying exploring Canada together.